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Greek Meatballs


Roasted cauliflower and zucchini tossed in a light, lemony dill dressing, with two grilled herbed falafel patties. Comes with a side of white rice & Greeko de gallo topping of tomato, Kalamata olives, garlic and parsley.

Roasted cauliflower and zucchini tossed in a light, lemony dill dressing, with two grilled herbed falafel patties. Comes with a side of white rice & Greeko de gallo topping of tomato, Kalamata olives, garlic and parsley.

Meal Info:

Meals are portioned with 1/2 cup of protein, 1/2 cup of starchy carbohydrates, and 1 cup of vegetables.

For my plant-based friends:
All meals are available meatless (vegan). I will substitute the meat for more vegetables, grains or legumes.

Made with gluten free ingredients but not certified gluten free. 

Built Without Guilt

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