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JECA Energy Bar


1.80 ounces

Locally made healthy nutritional energy bars with delicious, unique flavors and no gluten, dairy, refined sugars, soy, oils, or preservatives.

Locally made healthy nutritional energy bars with delicious, unique flavors and no gluten, dairy, refined sugars, soy, oils, or preservatives. JECA's unique mix of ingredients create the perfect texture... chewy, not crumbly!

Check out JECA's Commercial in Nutritional Facts!

Almond + Dates is a great all-around bar. Great for any time and place. Copious amounts of almond make this bar very satisfying and delicious.

Matcha + Seeds is great for before, during, and after heavy workouts. Matcha is known for its many antioxidants and metabolism-boosting properties, provides a gentle energy boost.

Coconut + Curry invokes flavors of Thai and Indian cuisines and contains turmeric for its flavor and healthful benefits. It makes a great late-afternoon snack.

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