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Lettuce, Romaine


1 each
Romaine Head Lettuce
Ippolito Fruit and Produce

Storage Keep lettuce in cold temperature. Wrap in damp paper towels and store in crisper. Keep lettuce in a plastic bag away from fruit. Lettuce will keep for up to 10 days. Rinse all leaves well just before use. Tear leaves, do not cut with a knife.


  • Add lettuce to sandwiches or burgers.

  • For a fun meal, make lettuce wraps with nuts, chicken, cut veggies, and grains inside.

  • Try grilling the lettuce: Slice a head in half, cover with pan spray, and place on the grill for 5-10 min.

  • Serve warm pasta or pasta/grain salads over lettuce for an extra crunch.

  • Jazz up your salad with dried or fresh fruit, nuts, sprouts, or grilled veggies.

Lettuce has 5 calories per cup. It is high in vitamins A and a good source of folate. Like other greens, it is fat-free; very low sodium and cholesterol free veggie.

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